The project has built several prototype rooms of that are close replicas of what will likely be seen in the new Acute Services Building.
Feedback from staff, patients, their families and carers has helped shape the design of the prototype rooms that are close replicas of what to expect in the new building.
We joined forces with the Closing The Gap Collaborative and closed out 2022 with a staff barbeque
During the construction a natural ochre pit was discovered onsite. This is a valuable and versatile cultural resource that holds deep meaning for Aboriginal people.
As we work through the design phases of the redevelopment, we’re now seeking partners to help us with the delivery of the project.
While work continues on the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project, there’ll soon be plenty of activity taking place just outside the precinct too.
Local Aboriginal Land Councils and Elders were invited to participate in a seedling collection led by Kentan Proctor and the Green Team from Bahtabah Local Aboriginal Land Council.
Main works construction has officially commenced on the $835 million John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
Hear how we're minimising any impact we have on the biodiversity in the area
Project Director Lachlan Falconer-Adams was asked to join the Gunnedah Hospital team for their annual NAIDOC Ceremony in July
The Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment project team recently had the pleasure of joining the local celebrations for NAIDOC Week
Growing evidence shows that incorporating arts into health facilities has proven clinical benefits to the health system as a whole.
Engaging with those who guide patients and visitors is a key step in preparing for the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
More than 70 community members popped in to chat to us about plans for the new Manning Hospital Stage 2 recently - here's what they told us
Involving the local Aboriginal community in all aspects of the development was a key request from the community during consultation and engagement.
The Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment project team recently held a community information session.
Find out more about our concept planning and how you can get involved
Work has begun on the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct. The project is scheduled for completion in 2026 but we can take a look now at the new precinct.
Update issued to the Glen Innes community during June/July 2022.
Update on the Moree Hospital Redevelopment project issued to the Moree and surrounding communities during June/July 2022
A traditional sod turn ceremony has marked the start of construction of the new seven-storey Acute Services Building, the centrepiece of the $835 million John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
The next stage redevelopment of Manning Base Hospital will include new wards, facilities for essential support services and 'central spine' corridor to unit the campus
Media release issued by Adam Marshall, Member for Northern Tablelands
Local Aboriginal Land Council representatives visited the site recently to help identify trees and plants used in Aboriginal Culture.
The next stage of Manning Hospital’s redevelopment is about to start, and we want to hear from staff and the community to help shape the project
Building on Stages 1 and 2, this third stage will consolidate all acute services into one building
Multiplex Constructions will start work on Monday 11 April
Consulting with our local Aboriginal community is vital to the project
Find out more about the master plan, what's coming up next and how staff and community are informing the redevelopment
Media release issued by Kevin Anderson, Member for Tamworth. The Gunnedah community is invited to have its say on the new $53 million redevelopment of Gunnedah Hospital after the unveiling of the project's master plan.
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has today joined hospital staff and community leaders to announce an additional $30 million funding boost for the Glen Innes Hospital redevelopment – rocketing its budget to a total of $50 million.
Myall Lakes residents have been given their first look at the $100 million Stage 2 redevelopment of Manning Base Hospital with the master plan unveiled