Aboriginal language and storytelling will be integrated into the Gunnedah Hospital Redevelopment.
As construction continues onsite, Gunnedah Hospital staff were given a sneak peak inside their new hospital building during December 2024.
The arrival of the new year has been marked with a visit from two local Ministers who were keen to see the latest progress on the site.
As planning and design nears completion, the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment project has been placed on public exhibition for your feedback.
The community is invited to provide feedback on the demolition works required for the next stage of works for Stage 2 of the Manning Base Hospital Redevelopment.
Local artists are invited to express their interest in supplying artwork for the new Tamworth Mental Health Unit.
Planning documents for the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment project will soon be placed on public exhibition for your feedback.
Check out some of the milestones and progress we've achieved this year
From early January 2025, staff and visitors may see builders starting site set-up activities for the Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment Stage 3.
Members from the Hunter branch were keen to take a look at the JHHIP development.
The Maitland Mental Health Rehabilitaiton project team is pleased to reveal the recently-completed schematic designs for the redevelopment.
The Cessnock project team is pleased to reveal the recently-completed schematic designs for the redevelopment.
As planning and design nears completion, the Moree Hospital Redevelopment project has been placed on public exhibition until 11.59pm Tuesday 26 November 2024.
Three local Aboriginal artists have been chosen to produce unique artworks for the new Tamworth Mental Health Unit, due to be installed next year.
An exciting milestone has been achieved for the project - the first major concrete pour to set the foundation for the new building.
The JHHIP project team recently asked staff to vote on a shortlist of names for two new roads. These roads are found on the western and northern boundaries of the campus and are set to open on 10 October 2024.
The JHHIP project team recently invited John Hunter Hospital staff and precinct partners to tour two new roads ahead of their opening in October.
The 31-metre tower crane supporting delivery of the new Tamworth Mental Health Unit will be known as “Lofty", following a huge community response to the project’s ‘Name the Crane’ competition.
Early works for Stage 2 of the Manning Base Hospital Redevelopment is set to begin next year, with a project team recommencing work to deliver the redevelopment.
Local artists with strong connections to Gunnedah are invited to take part in the arts program for the $53 million Gunnedah Hospital Redevelopment, with Expressions of Interest now open.
Aboriginal language and storytelling will be integrated into signage and wayfinding for the Moree Hospital Redevelopment, and Health Infrastructure is seeking community members with knowledge of Indigenous language who are interested in being involved in the project.
Works are a step closer with the tender for main construction released
Get ready for changes to campus traffic that begin soon.
The Maitland Mental Health Rehabilitation project team held information sessions at Maitland Hospital yesterday to seek staff and community feedback on early designs for the new facility.
Find out how clinical staff have helped design the new ICU
Work will soon be underway on the $45 million Muswellbrook Hospital Stage 3 Redevelopment with Richard Crookes Constructions appointed as the building contractor for the project.
Concept designs unveiled for new Maitland Mental Health Rehabilitation facility
Get the latest JHHIP news from the site
Congratulations to our winners in the Tamworth crane colouring-in competition.
The Glen Innes community is invited to provide feedback on the latest plans for the $50 million Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment. Two drop-in sessions will be held next week at Mackenzie Mall.
Feedback from the clinical team has been vital in developing the design of the new emergency department.
Check out the latest video update from the site
The Moree Hospital Redevelopment project is receiving additional funding of $25 million taking the total investment to $105 million.
Leading up to the main construction works for the redevelopment, there are changes occurring on the Gunnedah Hospital campus.
We recently invited the community to drop in to information sessions at Cessnock Hospital to seek their feedback on the new design.
Planning for the Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment is progressing as part of the NSW Government’s $50 million investment to improve health outcomes for Glen Innes and the surrounding community.
Around 40 staff and community members joined together this week for an official Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony at Gunnedah Hospital.
Check out the latest JHHIP video update from the site.
The community is being encouraged to have their say on the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment, with concept designs unveiled today.
JHHIP Project Director Narelle Bromilow was proud to share the stage at the Women in Building and Associated Services breakfast recently.
A large artwork made of thousands of individual light reflectors – like those found on bicycle wheels – will be one of the major artworks for JHHIP.
Tamworth and surrounding communities are a step closer to enhanced mental health services, with construction underway on a new mental health unit at the Tamworth Hospital campus.
Get the latest JHHIP news from the site.
Watch our JHHIP video update of work on site.
Large printouts of the plans for each floor of the new JHHIP building that show the connection points to the existing hospital are now available to order.
Local trades are encouraged to attend an information session on Tuesday 9 April to learn about opportunities to be involved in construction for the Gunnedah Hospital Redevelopment.
Check out our JHHIP video update of site progress.
The project team has commenced ‘breaking through’ from the back of the existing John Hunter Hospital.
Local artist Ellie Hannon creates six new artworks for the precinct.
Registrations open for female high school students
Women employed on the project are contributing valuable skills and building their careers, making up 16 per cent of the workers on site each day.
The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct (JHHIP) team recently welcomed Rachel Stephen-Smith, ACT Minister for Health and staff from Major Projects Canberra, ACT Health Directorate and Canberra Health Services.
We have recently released the construction tender for the Muswellbrook Hospital Stage 3 Redevelopment.
Residents in Tamworth and surrounding communities are a step closer to enhanced mental health services, with a builder now appointed to construct the new Tamworth Mental Health Unit.
The delivery of a new mental health facility on the Maitland Hospital campus has taken a key step forward with the appointment of the project team to commence planning and design.
Two sessions were held this month to offer more information and answer any questions that Aboriginal staff may have.
The project team has been working on the planning and design for the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment and now it’s time to look ahead.
The Muswellbrook Hospital Stage 3 Redevelopment is outlining its plans for 2024.
Local artist Ellie Hannon, who is creating artwork that will be displayed as graphics in the new hospital building, joined the project team at the Olive Tree Christmas Markets.
The team hosted a visit from John Hunter Hospital Service Managers to take a look at what is happening from a site level.
Over the past few months, the Cessnock project team has continued with planning and design to ensure the project responds to clinical requirements whilst aligning with the available funding.
The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct (JHHIP) team joined together recently to marvel at a unique piece of infrastructure – a life-size Gingerbread House.
Developing art for the redevelopment hinges on collaboration with patients, staff and the community
Muswellbrook Hospital staff recently provided valuable feedback on the project's design.
The Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment project team were onsite early November to take a first-hand look at the demolition of Crommelin House, more commonly known as the old nurses’ quarters.
Gunnedah Hospital staff had the opportunity to catch up with the project team and meet the builders at an on-site barbecue to mark the start of building work.
Progress over the past 12 months includes new site offices, expansion of Carpark 5 and the foundation work for the new building that will connect to the existing hospital
The John Hunter Multiplex Jump Start Program provides women with mentoring, workshops and information sessions so they know more about working in construction.
The building site received a very special visit this week from children who attend Possum Place Child Care Centre on the John Hunter Hospital campus.
The JHHIP team joined with Transport for NSW to update the infrastrucutre industry on these two key projects.
The teddy bears of Newcastle and the Hunter region are now fighting fit thanks to our recent community event.
Richard Crookes Constructions (RCC) is now engaged as our construction contractor for the Gunnedah Hospital Redevelopment.
The NSW Government will deliver a new mental health facility on the new Maitland Hospital campus at Metford to provide enhanced specialised mental health support for adults in the Hunter Region.
Birthing rooms with baths and seating that converts to an overnight bed are just some of the features that will be part of the new spaces.
The project team has recently completed more than 400 hours of consultation with project user groups (PUGs) to finalise the detailed designs for all areas of the new development.
Feedback from project user groups has been vital in helping finalise the new spaces
The JHHIP project team and volunteer teddy medical staff will be running a community pop-up session themed as a Teddy Bears’ Clinic at Charlestown Square on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 September from 10am-1pm.
The Moree community is invited to see the latest design at an upcoming drop-in session on 29 August 2023. Anyone is welcome to come along, see the latest design and artist impressions and chat to the team.
A welcoming light-filled atrium and calming colours inspired by the three rivers surrounding Tamworth are among the highlights of the new Tamworth Mental Health Unit, with the latest designs unveiled...
The project team will be in Gunnedah for community drop-in sessions during August 2023. Anyone is welcome to come along, see the latest design and artist impressions and chat to the team.
Community drop-in sessions will be held in Glen Innes during August 2023. Anyone is welcome to come along to chat to the project team and see the latest design and artist impressions.
The planning and design is nearing completion on the Muswellbrook Stage 3 Hospital Redevelopment and the project is soon to move into the construction phase.
An important part of the redevelopment is the upgrades and modifications to roads around the precinct.
The first concrete slab has been poured and 600 tonnes of steel have been installed in a major milestone for the project
Local Elders have played an important role in ensuring the design for Tamworth’s new mental health unit incorporates the culture and values of the Kamilaroi and Gomeroi people. The design is based on the key themes of Connection to Sky, Cultural Care and Country as Healing.
Our cranes now have names. Read more about our winners and runners-up.
Find out how the project has integrated environmental considerations into our work to deliver tangible, sustainable outcomes.
The time has come to place your vote, which will decide the John Hunter's crane names.
Simply scan this QR code to keep up with the latest construction activity at Tamworth Hospital relating to building a new mental health unit.
It’s Human Experience Week (1-7 May), a time for us to focus on the human experience in healthcare, think about patient, family and carer experiences and celebrate staff.
It’s Human Experience Week 2023 (1-7 May), a time for us to focus on the human experience in healthcare, take time to think about patient, family and carer experiences and celebrate staff.
Put your thinking caps on and help us name the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct's cranes. There are plenty of prizes up for grabs.
The Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment project team recently had the pleasure of joining local Wonnarua Elders and community to learn about and experience the cultural and spiritual practices of the Wonnarua people, on Wonnarua lands.
Are you interested in how arts can promote health and wellbeing?
A new centre that links locals to jobs in the construction industry has been opened as part of the project.
Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment project team recently held an afternoon tea to farewell Crommelin House and remember the building’s 70-year history.
The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct just got a little more colourful.
The $80 million Moree Hospital Redevelopment project has reached an important milestone with the appointment of the contractor to help finalise the design.
Work on the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct is on track with the arrival and installation of the first tower crane.
Richard Crookes Constructions has been chosen as the contractor to work with the Gunnedah Hospital Redevelopment project team to finalise the design in preparation for construction.
The project team invited representatives from the Local Health District, APP, Multiplex and the local Aboriginal community to hear about the new plan launched by Health Infrastructure
The cranes are here and have started work on our Acute Services Building, a key feature of
While patients, visitors and staff watch the development through the hospital windows, our new stickers shed more light on what's going on.
Two significant health projects for the Glen Innes community have moved another step forward with the awarding of the tender for the new ambulance station and the enabling works for the hospital redevelopment project.
The project has built several prototype rooms of that are close replicas of what will likely be seen in the new Acute Services Building.
Feedback from staff, patients, their families and carers has helped shape the design of the prototype rooms that are close replicas of what to expect in the new building.
We joined forces with the Closing The Gap Collaborative and closed out 2022 with a staff barbeque
During the construction a natural ochre pit was discovered onsite. This is a valuable and versatile cultural resource that holds deep meaning for Aboriginal people.
As we work through the design phases of the redevelopment, we’re now seeking partners to help us with the delivery of the project.
While work continues on the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project, there’ll soon be plenty of activity taking place just outside the precinct too.
Local Aboriginal Land Councils and Elders were invited to participate in a seedling collection led by Kentan Proctor and the Green Team from Bahtabah Local Aboriginal Land Council.
Main works construction has officially commenced on the $835 million John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
Hear how we're minimising any impact we have on the biodiversity in the area
Project Director Lachlan Falconer-Adams was asked to join the Gunnedah Hospital team for their annual NAIDOC Ceremony in July
The Glen Innes Hospital Redevelopment project team recently had the pleasure of joining the local celebrations for NAIDOC Week
Growing evidence shows that incorporating arts into health facilities has proven clinical benefits to the health system as a whole.
Engaging with those who guide patients and visitors is a key step in preparing for the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
More than 70 community members popped in to chat to us about plans for the new Manning Hospital Stage 2 recently - here's what they told us
Involving the local Aboriginal community in all aspects of the development was a key request from the community during consultation and engagement.
The Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment project team recently held a community information session.
Find out more about our concept planning and how you can get involved
Work has begun on the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct. The project is scheduled for completion in 2026 but we can take a look now at the new precinct.
Update issued to the Glen Innes community during June/July 2022.
Update on the Moree Hospital Redevelopment project issued to the Moree and surrounding communities during June/July 2022
A traditional sod turn ceremony has marked the start of construction of the new seven-storey Acute Services Building, the centrepiece of the $835 million John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.
The next stage redevelopment of Manning Base Hospital will include new wards, facilities for essential support services and 'central spine' corridor to unit the campus
Media release issued by Adam Marshall, Member for Northern Tablelands
Local Aboriginal Land Council representatives visited the site recently to help identify trees and plants used in Aboriginal Culture.
The next stage of Manning Hospital’s redevelopment is about to start, and we want to hear from staff and the community to help shape the project
Building on Stages 1 and 2, this third stage will consolidate all acute services into one building
Multiplex Constructions will start work on Monday 11 April
Consulting with our local Aboriginal community is vital to the project
Find out more about the master plan, what's coming up next and how staff and community are informing the redevelopment
Media release issued by Kevin Anderson, Member for Tamworth. The Gunnedah community is invited to have its say on the new $53 million redevelopment of Gunnedah Hospital after the unveiling of the project's master plan.
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has today joined hospital staff and community leaders to announce an additional $30 million funding boost for the Glen Innes Hospital redevelopment – rocketing its budget to a total of $50 million.
Myall Lakes residents have been given their first look at the $100 million Stage 2 redevelopment of Manning Base Hospital with the master plan unveiled
The $835 million expansion of the John Hunter and John Hunter Children’s Hospitals reached a major milestone in December with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment granting approval of the SSDA for the project.
A new role has been created that is committed to genuine engagement with our Aboriginal community
Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall has announced the appointment of lead consultants to progress the $20 million Glen Innes District Hospital redevelopment.
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has announced the team which will undertake the detailed design of the $80 million new Moree hospital.
Young people co-design Nexus Mental Health Unit
The Gunnedah community will have the opportunity to share its views on the planned $53 million redevelop ment of the local hospital.
Media release issued by Stephen Bromhead MP. Member for Myall Lakes. Stage Two of the $100 million Manning Base Hospital Redevelopment has taken a major step forward with the appointment of a project team to masterplan the continued redevelopment.
Health Minister Brad Hazzard today visited the hospital to unveil the schematic designs of $835million expansion of the John Hunter and John Hunter Children’s Hospitals.
The future vision of the world-class expansion of John Hunter and John Hunter Children’s Hospital has been unveiled.
A milestone has been achieved for the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project, with works completed on the interim Emergency Department
A milestone has been achieved for the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct, with works commencing on the Emergency Department interim expansion in mid 2020, five months ahead of schedule.
Hunter New England Local Health District Chief Executive, Michael DiRienzo, and Executive Director Infrastructure and Planning, Ramsey Awad, presented the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct Master Plan to staff at the John Hunter and John Hunter Children’s Hospitals in August 2019.