JHHIP welcomes ACT Health

The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct (JHHIP) team recently welcomed Rachel Stephen-Smith, ACT Minister for Health and staff from Major Projects Canberra, ACT Health Directorate and Canberra Health Services.
The visit was arranged after the group expressed interest in the JHHIP project due to the similarities between it and the Canberra Hospital expansion project.
Hunter New England Local Health District and Health Infrastructure hosted the visitors and took the opportunity to share the project’s master plan, along with work being undertaken to improve sustainability and Aboriginal engagement.

The group was also keen to learn about the LHD’s networked services such as those between the John Hunter Hospital and the new Maitland Hospital.
The visit concluded with a guided a tour of the prototype rooms, the existing facility and the development site.

240305_ACT_visit.jpgNicholas Rayner, JHHIP Senior Project director (left), Rachel Stephen-Smith, ACT Minister for Health (fourth from left) and Gillian Geraghty, Chief Projects Officer Major Projects Canberra (third from left) with colleagues touring the JHHIP development site. 
IMG_5291.JPGThe group tours the JHHIP prototype rooms.