Health Infrastructure in partnership with Hunter New England Health District is planning to deliver Stage 3 of the Muswellbrook Hospital Redevelopment to provide improved health services for the Hunter New England community. The Muswellbrook Hospital will continue to function as a District Hospital partnered with Singleton and Scone Hospitals and networked to the main referral hospitals (Maitland, John Hunter and Calvary Mater Hospitals) to provide the community with access to specialised services. The NSW Government announced an additional $45 million to the stage 3 redevelopment of Muswellbrook Hospital. This builds on and complements Stages 1 and 2 and will deliver contemporary environments to support best practice models of care.
This final stage of the redevelopment will create a more efficient service. Staff will benefit from a more integrated facility and be happier at work while patients, families and carers will feel welcome and comfortable in their surroundings.