lower mid north coast health service project

The NSW Government is investing $180 million in the Lower Mid North Coast Health Service project, bringing together the Manning Base Hospital Redevelopment Stage 2 and Forster-Tuncurry health facility projects.  

Manning Hospital Redevelopment – Stage 1 is complete and delivered enhanced cancer care services, renal dialysis services, medical imaging services, a hospital car park reconfiguration, increased consultation spaces and a refurbished hospital main entrance. 


The project will: 
  • Boost health services for communities across the lower Mid North Coast 
  • Provide contemporary facilities to support best practice models of care 
  • Provide patients, families and carers with contemporary facilities to meet the health needs of the community now and in the future 
  • Improve access around Manning Base Hospital and better connectivity of services 
  • Enable new and upgraded clinical facilities to be seamlessly integrated into the future 


The scope includes refurbished and improved inpatient accommodation, improved connectivity across the campus and extended telehealth services. The final scope will be determined through the planning process.  


  • Detailed design is complete
  • 2025: Early works to begin with demolition of the old administration building