Transitioning to an expanded precinct

The John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct Transition Strategy outlines how to prepare people, services and facilities from how they work now to how they will work in the future when the new acute services building opens next year. This will minimise any disruption and ensure services for staff, patients and visitors continue to operate safely and effectively. 

The strategy uses a six-step model that clinical units and facility-wide services use to develop a systematic approach to support the transition to an expanded campus.

NB: Dates are based on current construction programme.

The Transition Working Group (TWG) has been established to govern this process. The TWG is chaired by Julie Tait, Executive General Manager John Hunter Hospital and Anna Styles-Tape Executive Director, Infrastructure Planning and Sustainability HNELHD. It is made up of clinical services, facility-wide and other support services.

Transition Action Groups (TAGs) are focused on preparing clinical services and staff relocating to the new building. 

They are focused on developing plans for individual clinical units or services. The plans cover procedures and policies, workflows and commissioning requirements as well as relocations.

Facility Wide Groups will focus on developing and implementing plans for the new facility wide processes required to create an integrated, expanded campus including support services and more.

The Operational Commissioning Working Group is focused on preparing the new building to become a hospital. This includes ensuring that all the systems, equipment, services and spaces within the new facility are tested and functioning as needed. For example, new technology, new furniture and equipment, and any training that might be required to operate these systems.