Planning process

Health Infrastructure lodged the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) to deliver a new seven-storey Acute Services Building and refurbish parts of the existing facility with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in May 2021.  It was on public exhibition until late June and was approved in December. 

How is the State Significant Development Application assessed?

The SSDA requires the development of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to detail the project activities, any potential environmental impacts, and proposed mitigation measures to manage these impacts.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment assess the planning application and the EIS. A recommendation will then be made to the Minister for Planning (or delegate), who is the consent authority/approver for the SSDA.

The Environmental Impact Statement

The EIS is a comprehensive technical document that provides information on the development of the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct and potential environmental impacts. It outlines how these impacts can be appropriately mitigated.

The matters that must be assessed in the EIS are determined by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, in consultation with local stakeholders, such as the City of Newcastle and other government agencies including Transport for NSW.

The matters are called the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements which can be found on the Department’s website. The EIS is used to inform development approval decisions.

View the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct SSDA

You can view the State Significant Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement for the project at the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website.

Public exhibition

The Environmental Impact Statement for the State Significant Development Application for the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct was on public exhibition until Monday 28 June 2021. 

More information

View the Planning Application Process summary for the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct.


Environmental Impact Assessment 
SSD-9351535​ Notice of assessment
SSD-9351535​ Development consent
SSD-9351535 Assessment report
SSD-9351535 Approved Plans